

Founder / 主持人   CYNTHIA LI  李佳豫

In 2006, Cynthia Li began her architectural design career in the metropolis, New York City. The deep history and the prosperous society have broadened her architectural sensibility with the classic and upscale taste. Especially the diversity of the multiple cultures that shapes New York City has nurtured her design perception and style of living.

Nine years working in Gabellini Sheppard, the New York based minimalist design master, is a path of experiencing and appreciating the simplicity of form. Furthermore, it has established her the attitude of persisting in the quality of construction craftsmanship to perform the sophistication of minimalism.

Her expertise is private residential, housing, retail, and hospitality design.


在極簡主義大師 Gabellini Sheppard 紐約建築師事務所長達九年的薰陶,讓她學習到如何了解及欣賞極簡風格的歷程。這些經歷,建立了她對於建築工法與施工品質的堅持,及成就極簡設計精密性的信念。




Experience 經歷 :

New York State Registered Architect

As Architect & Senior Interior Designer collaborating with Hong Kong, OFGA (Office for Good Architecture Limited).
以建築師與資深室內設計顧問與香港 OFGA 建築室內設計事務所合作

New York, Decorum Design LLC. Senior Architecture & Interior Designer
紐約 Decorum Design 建築室內設計事務所資深建築與室內設計師

New York, GabelliniSheppard Associates LLP.Project Manager / Senior Architecture & Interior Designer 
紐約 GabelliniSheppard 建築室內設計事務所專案經理 / 資深建築與室內設計師

Taipei, Tamkang University Department of Architecture Design Studio Instructor
台北 淡江大學校 建築學系設計課講師 

New York, New York School of Interior Design Instructor of Google SketchUp program  
紐約 紐約室內設計學校 Google Sketchup 3D 軟體講師

Education 學歷:

New York Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation  

Taiwan Tamkang University Department of Architecture  


Designer / 設計師   JERRY CHEN  陳品杰

Jerry Chen graduated from the Department of Architecture Design at Taiwan Shih Chien University. During his studies, he developed broad capabilities in other design fields, including graphic design and installation devices. His thesis project combined his earned expertise in installation design and woodworking to create a series of mechanical devices that transcribed the movement of wind and water into drawn lines. This experience further solidified his passion for craftsmanship.

Prior to joining LILI ARCHITECTURE, Jerry Chen worked at Taipei Atelier Or and primarily worked on the planning of large-scale public spaces, including urban public spaces and regenerative campus projects.





Professional & Experience 專業與經歷:

裏理建築 設計師
Taipei Atelier Or Designer
嶼山工房 設計師

Education 學歷 :

Taiwan Shih Chien University Department of Architecture Design
私立台北實踐大學 建築設計學士